Shikò Orecchini Less & More Più o Meno

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items

LESS green, MORE more or less long Earrings and tourmaline, gilded silver, length 175 cm cod 10

148 €
Out of stock

LESS smoke quartz drop earrings, silver, and MORE length 12 cm cod 380

250 €
Out of stock

LESS and MORE long earrings, Amethyst, silver gilt, length 6 cm. Cod 292

210 €
Out of stock

LESS long Earrings, aqua aura, BLACKBERRIES and gray agate, Hematite galvanizzara, silver gilt, length 12.5 cm. Cod 294

150 €
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items